Managed IT Services Montgomery, AL
GTI has been providing IT services for businesses and medical practices for 25 years serving the Montgomery area. Our extensive work in the world of Healthcare IT has given us the skills and experience of high security and high uptime demands that benefit both small to medium businesses and medical practices.
In the IT world, times are changing. Businesses and are looking for more than just an IT partner to keep their computers running. Cyber security threats are increasing daily and destroying companies. Regulatory compliance is difficult. Cyber insurance is expensive. Disaster recovery options are confusing. Employee security training is lacking. Maintaining Internet access is critical. New technologies are emerging. IT costs are increasing, and it is hard to budget. And that’s just a few of the minefields that businesses are having to navigate through today.
More than ever, you need an IT partner that can assist you with all of that and more. That’s why we are here. Our managed support, security, and preventative maintenance options in Montgomery allow you to breathe easy and focus on your goal…running and growing your business.
IT Support Plans in Montgomery
GTI IT Support Plans are a way to bundle important services that you need to keep your business, organization, or medical practice running smoothly. GTI has two IT Support Plan options to best fit your needs and budgets.
Proactive Support Services in Montgomery
Being Proactive means preventing as many problems as possible from ever occurring in the first place. Problems that never happen don’t cause productivity issues. Being Proactive turns big fixes into small ones. Patch Management keeps your devices up to date to help prevent security issues.
Reactive Support Services in Montgomery
Resolving your employees’ IT issues is a high priority for you, therefore it is a high priority for us as well. Employees that are having issues are not productive and that directly affects the bottom line. Our reactive support fights against that unproductivity.
Cyber Security Services in Montgomery
Cyber Security is absolutely critical, not only to protect your business but to also qualify you for Cyber Insurance. The normal protections of yesterday are no longer effective against the massive threats of today. More protection is needed so we offer more.
Network Administration in Montgomery
Because of our inclusive service model, we can spend the time needed to improve your networking and IT environment without costing you additional funds. Figuring out best practices, looking at new technologies, managing your network devices and reviewing reports are just some of the things we will be working on, behind the scenes, to improve your day-to-day working environment.
VCIO Services in Montgomery
VCIO Stands for “Virtual Chief Information Officer”. Most businesses do not have a full time CIO whose job is to plan and share information with management regarding technology. However, it is still an important job that needs to be done. As your VCIO, we will work hand in hand with you to not only solve the problems of today but work together to plan for future technological needs and changes.
Cloud Services in Montgomery
Cloud services can be an important component of your business. From hosted servers to Microsoft 365 services as well as offsite data backup, utilizing the cloud can benefit your business in many ways. Having a partner with secure cloud services can give you options others may not be able to give you.

Get in touch to see how we can partner to service and protect your workstations, servers and network.
Hours 8:00AM – 5:00PM CST