IT Support Plans
Businesses are going to have IT issues, requirements and needs. That is just a fact. You need problems resolved, technologies kept up to date, invoices simplified, employees trained, cyber security protections put into place and regular meetings to plan, budget and discuss where you are and where you want to be.
IT Support plans are a way to bundle important services that you need to keep your business, organization or medical practice running smoothly. GTI has two IT Support Plan options to best fit your needs and budgets. Please take a look at the plans listed below and see which plan best fits your needs. We offer free on-site, person to person, consultations to discuss your needs, go over the details of our support plans and to answer any questions you may have.
The Essentials plan includes all of our core products and is an effective way of receiving the services that you need while keeping costs under control.
The Encompass plan takes all of our core products and adds a third dimension of constant care and more cyber security tools and training. With services like VCIO and free support labor, we can be constantly improving your IT environment without driving up costs.