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Businesses are going to have IT issues, requirements and needs. That is just a fact. They need problems resolved quickly, technologies kept up to date, invoices simplified, date backed up, employees trained, cyber security protections put into place and regular meetings to plan, budget and discuss where they are and where they want to be. The Encompass Plan bundles our core products and adds things like free support labor, constant care and Cyber Security employee training.

If consistent billing, a full list of services, free support labor and a constant eye on your IT infrastructure is what you are looking for, Encompass is the plan for you. When the important technology services are included in a plan, including support labor, we now have the same goal as you… To get and keep your business where it needs to be and for you to be as problem free as possible. This is the model behind ENCOMPASS.


The Encompass Plan starts at $90 per device per month. Encompass is a comprehensive support plan that includes the services listed below, all under one umbrella and with one flat monthly rate.